Sunday, April 01, 2007

Long time no blog. I've been busy working on my first ever design team submission. I'm trying out for the one over at ScrapHappyKT. Very nice girls over there. I did 3 new layouts, an altered canvas - LOVE IT! - and a card. {Shhhh! Don't tell KT but I'm not that great with cards!} I don't do cards. I dont' give cards except when I'm feeling EXTREMELY mushy or something. But I can. If they want cards - I'll give em' cards!

Other than that, some bad luck on ebay - hate those scammers! I haven't mailed the camera yet but I could have sold it to someone else. Oh well. I'll just relist it. I did order my *dream* camera though. VERY excited! I'm sure there will be tons of gorgeous pictures coming soon! Well, let's go work on Andrew's birthday invites. I need to get those out tomorrow.

Random Bible verse for today: Don't run away from God. He loves you enough to send a storm after you. - Jonah 1:4 But God sent a huge storm at sea, the waves towering.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Love all the pics on the family layout! Wow!