I have been blessed with a breakthrough! I have always struggled with reading the Bible. Even when I wanted to read or made myself read, it's like none of it was really sinking in. Something has changed - and it's great! It seems like every time I would start over at trying to read the Bible I would start at Genesis. I can't tell you how many times I've read Genesis. But this time is different. It's like God is unlocking the scriptures for me. I'vw also started journaling after my reading. I'm writing just whatever I happen to think about the chapters I just read. Tonight it was about the tower of Babel and I wrote about how it must have been for those people to experience that. I mean, one minute you're friend is talking to you and the next gibberish is coming out of their mouth! Sometimes it's more meaningful than that - but you get it. But it's not just the journaling that's making the difference. The reading is different. I told Matt, it's almost like I've been tested all this time to see if I would ever give up. I've failed TONS but I always thanked God for never giving up on me and I always tried again. I've always known there was no turning back - that will never be an option. And the messages we hear at our church challenge us not to be just another person that comes to church once a week. Yeah that person may be saved and going to heaven - but don't you want to be better than just "there"? Especially when it comes to what you're supposed to be basing your life on? So I've been convicted about just being "there". Some days it didn't matter but more and more days it has mattered. I think I'll finially be able to take a step forward. It feels that way anyway.We went to see Sesame Street Live on Wednesday. We took both our boys - Matthew (11 mths) and Andrew (3 in April). They both loved it! I was surprised Matthew paid so much attention and sat so well. Andrew did pretty good. He had a meltdown right before intermission and again right at the end. My family joked that he was coming down from his sugar high induced from the cotton candy -which is probably true. He hadn't had a nap either - my plan for him falling asleep in the car hadn't panned out. But we had a good time and got some great pictures. I love the ones of his sweet little face all lit up and not paying a bit attention to the camera.
I was very thankful to have Grandma and Grandpa there to spoil Andrew too. They provided the junk food and an Elmo ball cap - very cute - and a Sesame Street figurine set. Andrew loves those figurines and held on to a couple through the entire show. The next day he had them all out on the table while watching a SS video - very cute. Oh and my neice Madison (age 8) went and got Andrew one of those spinny things that lights up - he loved it too. We would definetely do it again one day. But I don't think I can talk anyone (especially Daddy) into the Barney show in February! haha!