You can see more of my "Recycled" album here.
Ok grrr! I accidentally deleted some of my picts and it won't let me get them back so just go here if you want to see my latest stuffs.
Hmm... I'm averaging a post a month. Well, what can I say!? Online time is precious! I've got to make sure I keep up with the happenings at SIS. So, my furniture sold - YAY! We are now sleeping on the box springs and mattress on the floor. Our clothes are in piles and laundry baskets all over the room. Matt said it's like we're at a hotel somewhere with all our stuff scattered. Hopefully our new stuff will be here this week.
School is starting soon. I think I've forgotten what it's like to have one in school. Andrew will be going 4 days a week now. SO big. Matthew is doing ok potty training. Ah the wonderful conversations of a stay-at-home Mom. We went and got pull-ups yesterday because let me tell you - cleaning up poop out the floor from a child with no diaper and just PJs is not fun. So hopefully he will still go pee with a pull-up on.
Lets see- what else. Oh, I just got a copy of Big Picture by Stacy Julian. Really enjoying it. Can't wait to re-think my system and go back through my albums and make notes on what I want to scrap.
Lets see- what else. Oh, I just got a copy of Big Picture by Stacy Julian. Really enjoying it. Can't wait to re-think my system and go back through my albums and make notes on what I want to scrap.
I did finially scrap a couple pictures of my great-grandmother. I loved the way they turned out. I think the papers really suit the pictures. Maybe now I won't be so nervous about them. I think I'm finially starting to get over that anyway. Except when it comes to classes. I started this cool mini album for a class and I'm 1/2 way through and stuck. It looks AWESOME so far but I'm afraid to continue. Every page has to be SO perfect and cool and blah blah blah pressure pressure pressure. I'm starting to think more and more that I'm not cut out for the whole teaching thing even though I want to be. I think I'm going to just make pages and if it turns out I can make one into a class then cool.
Oh, you know how I ATTEMPTED to do a scrapbooking interest group at church? and how only my best friend and 1 other person came - and that's just because she bugged her and went to pick her up? Yeah well I think when I start it back next month I'm going to focus on scrapping or journaling about your faith. I got that book (confessed idea book junkie) Scrapping Your Faith by Courtney Walsh - very good - and got TONS of subject ideas from it. I figured I would do a topic and a design challenge each month. I think I may also see if Cropper's would be interested in me hosting it there too - or maybe I'll try it at Hobby Lobby.
Well, I think that's all I know for now. Here's some of my latest pretties -
Random verse today is -
Ephesians 1 3-6How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.