Nothing can cheer a girl up like a good meatball sub, a cherry mountain dew and sharing a big ol' hot fudge cake with mom. Yum-O! - as she would say!
Yep - that 's my mom. Go ahead and say it - we look like sisters instead. That's a good thing though - shows what I'll look like.
Can you see my horribly red cabinets in the background? That was the first time I had really painted anything. HUGE mistake. Got cheap paint. It was supposed to be strawberry. It was just plain tomato ugly. We finially got around to repainting it. They look great now. I haven't taken a picture yet since I'm still searching for curtains. We painted the living room a really pretty yellow, then the dining room a light olive color and the cabinets are now apricot. They were all Laura Ashley colors and go together very well.
Anyway, did some good shopping at Hobby Lobby. A few odd & ends - most of what I bought was 50% off! Woo-hoo! And I finially got a canvas. I've been wanting to do a class AND do something to hang in the living room. Let's see how long it sits here before I actually do something with it. Not only do I have the pressure of a class but also the pressure of looking at it in my house daily. Wish me luck.
I knew I was forgetting something on yesterdays post - my verse! I was too excited over my wreath I guess. Well, here's one for today:
{Deuteronomy 8:17-18 - You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.}
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