Sunday, March 04, 2007

At some point during the morning I usually check my email. Today was no different. I got up, started some coffee and pulled up my email. Usually nothing but spam, forwards, and the occasional newsletter from some scrappy somethingorother. Today was different. (see picture of WOW face to left) Today, I got an email from Kelli Darr. Who is Kelli Darr you might ask? Well, she is a very tallented scrapbooker - just check out her blog, she's a Christian mom, AND she's best friend to none other than kellicrowe. So in other words - she's SUPER cool and scrappy! AND not only did I get an email from her - she had good things to say about my blog and my cutie little cornboy page! I SO did the happy dance and had a smile on my face for litterally HOURS. Which was extra nice on church day. It made me really thankful for so many things. For this SUPER DUPER THING called scrapbooking (I can no longer refer to it as a hobby - for me it's SO much more), for how far I've come with my style, for knowing that God has a purpose for me in scrapbooking, and for having this feeling that this is JUST the beginning of great things. Just further incentive for me to work harder at my relationship with God. Don't get me wrong - it's not supposed to be hard, I make it hard with my laziness and hardheadedness. Pastor's message was good today - about relationship with God and temptation. Maybe one day they'll have his messages available for download. Wouldn't that be cool! Hmm... maybe I'll suggest that. UPDATE! My church is SUPER cool! We DO have messages available for download! Go here. I'm not sure how long it will take for them to make today's message available online but the message was titled "Inseparable" (How to live like a champion).

{James 1:14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.}

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