Friday, January 04, 2008

Ok, so I don't really do the whole new years resolution thing but this girl had a cool idea of creating a good habbit or changing a bad one once a month. I would like to attempt to make or purchase something for the house once a month. Something big or something little - just anything - but I'm all the time saying how I'm going to decorate one day. Well, I've been saying that for one day too long! Maybe a new black frame or a clip to display my latest favorite scrap page, or something red for my bathroom - it's painted teal and I'm going to have red knick-knacks in it but so far nothing - not even a red hand towel. Maybe something to organize my bathroom closet so I can get rid of some of the clutter. Oohh! New kitchen curtains. And have I mentioned I really hate to sew. I need to MAKE myself do it but I SO don't want to. Or curtians for the back door. This list could go on and on. But maybe if I break it down to one thing per month it won't be so bad. I think this month I'm going to get a magnet or bulletin board with a nice white frame to go with my nice new MM embellishment center that I got for Christmas. :-) There's a big empty space next to where my shelf is hanging.
Oh, and I think I've decided to collect "M"s. The letter "M" - like this girl collects "A"s. So if you see any cool "M"s let me know.
Other things I'm doing this year - I'm participating in this challenge and so far so good. I'm very motivated to get my name in for the big drawing - and to end up with a nice stack of new layouts to add to my books. Which, I need to go work on the one for today.