Long time no blog. I've been busy working on my first ever design team submission. I'm trying out for the one over at ScrapHappyKT. Very nice girls over there. I did 3 new layouts, an altered canvas - LOVE IT! - and a card. {Shhhh! Don't tell KT but I'm not that great with cards!} I don't do cards. I dont' give cards except when I'm feeling EXTREMELY mushy or something. But I can. If they want cards - I'll give em' cards!
Other than that, some bad luck on ebay - hate those scammers! I haven't mailed the camera yet but I could have sold it to someone else. Oh well. I'll just relist it. I did order my *dream* camera though. VERY excited! I'm sure there will be tons of gorgeous pictures coming soon! Well, let's go work on Andrew's birthday invites. I need to get those out tomorrow.
Random Bible verse for today: Don't run away from God. He loves you enough to send a storm after you. - Jonah 1:4 But God sent a huge storm at sea, the waves towering.